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You've just entered
the house where personal brands go
to grow the fuck up.

You can't stay a brandbaby™ forever

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Most folx don't unleash the can whoop ass that is personal branding

Establishing yourself as a business leader, thought leader or just trying to lead a better life, can seem overwhelming in this era of attention seekers and content creators.


Everyone wants to be a brand, but can't fully appreciate what that means. Someone a long time ago wrote a book about personal branding and folx have been trying to build off of it ever sense.

First off, that book was written for folx trying to climb the corporate ladder. As a business owner, that is not your circus. Secondly, being a brand is a far cry from building a brand. You're boxing yourself in.

A brand is an asset. A personal brand is a game changing asset. Unlike business brands, which are based in fiction, a personal brand is based on you, just not all of you.

It's time to play the game your way. If you were meant to follow the leader you wouldn't have started a business.

It's time to stop being a brand and learn to PB&Slay

Being a brand will wear you out and toss you around like a rag doll. You're already do'n all of the things trying to live up to that work/life balance bullshit. To try and be a brand on top of all that, is a train wreck waiting to happen.

Ghetto Country Brandmother® looking at you.

Developing a strategic personal brand is next level shit that makes being a brand a cheap but not easy option. It's brand architecture from the Founder on up. You get to maintain and nourish the personal brand while sharing the business brand with the masses.

Ghetto Country Brandmother® toasting you

Some folx think they can get away with just incorporating storytelling for a better brand experience. A story can get old real quick if its only purpose is to share your struggle. A relatable brand story, however, will make a difference with the right audience that includes your ideal client.

ghetto country brandmother put'n in work

Playing your game by someone else's rules is a backwards ass move. Playing it safe means fear of leadership. And if that's how you continue to play the game, it will end with either working in your business all your life or living up to the statistics of closing within 5 years. Get'n the picture.

ghetto country brandmother stare
I promise you, I get it​

Fighting everyday to be seen, heard, or noticed.


The struggle is real. And it's even harder if you try to do it without a brand.​


A strategic personal branding approach goes beyond surface-level tactics and gets into brand architecture from the core - you, the individual. Building a strategic personal brand starts with understanding you and what you want in your life, brand, and business.


Anything less is a job.

What's special about strategic personal branding?


You, as the Leader, come first and the audience comes second. This takes you from people-pleasing to attraction.

You're able to get what you want instead of just giving the audience what they want.


Your personal brand becomes the ultimate parent brand and endorser for subsequent sub-brands.

You focus on leadership instead of ownership.

So how are brandbabies nurtured into Brand Leaders?


2-Word Branding

For brandbabies who want to stay a business of one but want a personal brand that pops.


All it takes is...

1 session

2 words

3 strategies





Branded Time Out

For brandbabies who've been in the game at least 3 years and know how to take a seed and make it grow.


All it takes is...

13 weekly sessions

1:1 collaboration

Taking Action*



$2,685/mo or $7,000 in full


Branded Youniversity

For brandbabies who've been in the game at least 7 years and already have to much on their plate to do this solo.


All it takes is...

9-12 month commitment

4 sessions per month

1:1 collaboration

Taking Action*


$2,415/mo or $25,000 in full

* Only Branded Time Out & Branded Youniversity include the PB&Slay Framework

  • All three services have access to replays

  • Branded Time Out includes homework, workbooks, and Brandma's Marketing Planner

  • Branded Youniversity is weekly hands-on strategic work on brand, marketing, and content along with any requested business coaching.


Meet the
Ghetto Country Brandmother®

Founder & Head Brandma In Charge

I'm here for the overwhelmed, burned out, plain ol fucking tired brandbabies who wanna stop working so hard to make their money.


I here to nurture shiny object chasers who have a bunch of great ideas but don't know how to fit them into their life, brand, or business.

I'm here for the long game of making sure you do what you want, charge what you want, so you can live how you want.
Basically, I'm here for you with certifications as a life coach, business coach, brand strategist, and marketing psychology specialist.

"This is what I wanted from all those brand courses, challenges, workshops, and programs I took in the past. An authentic brand...that flows off your tongue like it flowed from my life and heart."

Ebony L. Green,

The Ratchet Sage

Ghetto Country Brandmother® blow'n smoke
Brandma's House is about hands-on collaboration.
Our bread and butter are shiny object chasing, creative, service-based business owners who don't want the full responsibility of branding & marketing.

Offering services already takes a special kinda crazy thhat you may bitch about but love every minute of.
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