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I often tell people I will chase a squirrel don't a rabbit hole if it gets my interest. Call it research if you want to. I know the truth. As a solopreneur you want to make money from your gift, talent, and/or ability. So what do you do? You monetize it. But then you get distracted by all the things you don't know. Or you purposely distract so you don't have to deal with it.Shiny object syndrome shows up in so many ways.


  1. You have so many ideas about your business but you never take action.
  2. Every time something news comes on the scene you think you need to add it to your repertoire.
  3. You're afraid of being wrong so you stay stuck in learn mode.


You're not a sells expert, marketing expert, or anything else outside of your natural talent so you go for the hard sell. Depending on what you're offering it either takes a long time to convert the sell or you get shot down. So what do you do? You become a shiny object chaser.Shiny objects are the enemy of action and getting shit done when it comes to scaling your business.


Brandma's Marketing Planner For Shiny Object Chasers
