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You've just entered
the house where personal brands go
to grow the fuck up.

Because Personal Branding is about leadership, not ownership
A mature personal brand is scalable, expansive, and younique

There are folx who believe you can't grow and scale from a personal brand. Well, I call bullshit.


The reason they can't scale there personal brand is because they're to busy trying to flex. They want their name on everything everywhere.


A scalable personal brand has a name of it's own and it takes up space when you wanna leave your personal shit at home.


Here's two things to change right off the bat.

First, stop personal branding like you're climbing the corporate ladder. As a business owner, that is not your circus.


Second, stop saying you are the brand. As a Brand Leader you've got better things to do. The objective is to build a brand, not be one.

Stop play'n like you got time to waste on hacks, tips, and tricks. If you were meant to play follow the leader you wouldn't have founded a business.

Being a brand is just begging for burnout. You're already do'n all of the things trying to live up to that work/life balance bullshit. Struggling to be a brand is for folx who prefer to follow rather than lead.

Ghetto Country Brandmother® looking at you.

Developing a scalable personal brand is next level shit that makes being a brand look cheap. It's brand architecture from the Founder on up. You maintain and nourish the personal brand while endorsing the business brand.

Ghetto Country Brandmother® toasting you

Storytelling and public relations is nothing without a personal branding. If that's all it took we would all be millionaires. An scalable and expansive personal brand has a never-ending story that attracts PR.

ghetto country brandmother put'n in work
I promise you, I get it​

You fight everyday to be visible, vocal, and vigilant.


The struggle is real. And it's in your face real when you do it without a brand.​


A scalable personal brand goes beyond content creation and authenticity. It involves multiple strategies that align with the brand architecture.

What's special about scalable personal branding?


Scalable personal branding does not involve metrics and competition. It doesn't start with filling gaps and people-pleasing.

It's about endorsing the business brand and doing away with elevator pitches.

Its a focus on leadership instead of ownership.

ghetto country brandmother in a big leather chair smoking a Tabak cigar
The Hook-ups in Brandma's House


BTS Brandbaby™

For brandbabies who want to see how how it's done. You want a DIY experience for better understanding.




Live ongoing case study

Exclusive Insights

Live Bi-weekly Sessions

Private Forum

Hassle-Free Cancellation




Bold Brandbaby™

For brandbabies who have time to learn and apply. You want a DWY experience that offers hands-on guidance.


Includes BTS access &

1:1 Collaboration

2 live sessions per month

Ongoing strategy & action plans

Unlimited email

Your own room




Boosted Brandbaby™

For brandbabies who have time to learn but not much else. You're looking for a hybrid experience of DWY accompanied by DFY services.


Includes BTS access & Bold plus

2 additional monthly sessions



Monthly brand audits

and much more



* Only Bold and Bratty Branbabies get access to replays

  • Strategies include: branding, marketing, content, funnel, positioning, pricing, sales, journey mapping.

    • After brand strategy the order of strategies can change​. Depends on the current holes in your personal and business brand.

"This is what I wanted from all those brand courses, challenges, workshops, and programs I took in the past. An authentic brand...that flows off your tongue like it flowed from my life and heart."

Ebony L. Green, The Ratchet Sage


Meet the
Ghetto Country Brandmother®

Founder & Head Brandma In Charge

I'm here for the overwhelmed, burned out, plain ol fucking tired brandbabies who wanna stop working so hard to make their money.


I here to nurture shiny object chasers who have a bunch of great ideas but don't know how to fit them into their life, brand, or business.

I'm here for the long game of making sure you do what you want, charge what you want, so you can live how you want.
Basically, I'm here for you with certifications as a life coach, business coach, brand strategist, and marketing psychology specialist.

Why do I focus on the personal brands of founders who
cook, consult, or create?

I have first hand knowledge in all three


I turned afternoon lunches from the kitchen table into a multi-million dollar food business


I earned certifications as a life, brand, and business coach while solving my own business problems.


I've written several books across several genres and appreciate creativity in all it's forms.

Ghetto Country Brandmother® blow'n smoke
Brandma's House is about hands-on collaboration.
Our bread & butter are established founders who are ready to leave the day-to-day trenches of ownership to become Brand Leaders.
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